Saturday, June 28, 2008

Read-a-thon Mini-Challenge: Hour 1 - CLOSED

Hello Read-a-thon readers and Cheerleaders!! Our first mini-challenge is an introduction meme! Paste this meme to your blogs and change the answers to your own. This will help us get to know each other today! This challenge will be open for 2 hours!

Where are you reading from today? The Hampton Inn in Georgetown, KY (10 minutes north of Lexington). My wonderful hubby got me a hotel room for Mother's day - because my maximum normal reading time is 2 hours during my daughter's nap.

3 facts about me …
*This is the first day in my daughters 21.5 months that I have not slept in the same house with her. Not sure when I will start having withdrawal but my guess it will be in hour 2! LOL! I keep thinking - this is Mommy's mini-vacation! I have talked my husband out of taking away her pacifier (cold turkey) today, so hopefully the day will go well for them too!! (anyone have any advice on getting rid of the pacifier?)

*I am reading today with my friend Tricia...she has just started blogging so pop over to her site and leave her a comment. She only has one post up right now - but I hope to have that changed by the end of the day!!

*We have snacks! I have brought Twizzlers, Starburst, a chocolate chex mix, gum, international coffee, and chai tea. Trish is bring snacks too. Btw - my daughter barley let me out of the house with the snacks...she found my stash this morning as I was packing. Starburst seem to be one of her favorites (there is nothing like being handed a wet squishy starburst!) :)

How many books do you have in your TBR pile for the next 24 hours?
I brought 11 books with me - and since I am a slow reader I will probably get 3 read!! LOL! Some of them are young adult that I have discovered from the blogging community!! I will post what I am reading during the read-a-thon so check back here! :)

Do you have any goals for the read-a-thon (i.e. number of books, number of pages, number of hours, or number of comments on blogs)?
I think I read about 30 pages an hour (I know very lame compared to some others 100! But I have convince myself that being a slow reader means that I savor every word) so I would like to read:
Pages - 720 (but realistically I would like to read 1,000)
Books - at least 3

Comments on blogs & keeping my blog updated- I am going to make an even goal of 100 (including my update posts)...I'll keep count on my comments & updates!!

Any advice for people doing this for the first time?
I didn't do this last year, but my advice would be have fun and if you read the whole 24 hours great and if not then oh well. Also, take advantage of the read-a-thon. The great thing about it is building a community, so read others blogs and leave a comment - even if you normally lurk! We all love comments and you never know you might end up commenting on 100 too!!

Leave a comment here with a link to your Introduction Meme and you will be eligible for a prize of 2 books one will be Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky! You can read my review here and the other book is your choice from Dewey's list. Looking forward to hearing all your responses!

Congratulations to Aoi Sakura for winning the prize!


Anonymous said...

hi!! I'm getting an early start cheering and am trying to visit everyone twice over the next 24 hrs... GOOD LUCK TO YOU! so, I need to post this meme, huh?

Golly, I didn't join as a reader because I suspect that all I would do was blog, ha!

Have fun and thx for helping me figure all this out.

Anonymous said...

Here's my link to my post:

Anonymous said...

I did it too!


Brittanie said...

Posted. :) Thank you for hosting this great fun introduction meme. :)

Lizzie said...

Wow, I wasn't expecting a challenge so early! Here's my post:

Andi said...

Here it is!

Thanks for getting us started.

Dewey said...

As far as the pacifier: my son had his until he was just three, and then he had his first dentist appointment, and the dentist said he had to give it up. He didn't tell me, though; he told my son directly, making him feel like a big boy. He also said that he was having a new baby soon (true) and that his new baby would need a pacifier, and asked if the baby could have my son's pacifier. My son said yes! So he had three months to get ready and bring the pacifier back to the dentist at his next appointment. I kept talking about that at home, and I really thought it would never work, because he seemed as attached as ever, and not really weaning off it or anything. But the day of the appointment, he handed it right over! The dentist gave it to me and I slipped it in my coat pocket, just in case there was a huge problem or something, but he never even mentioned it again.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine!

Unknown said...

Well, here's mine

Chrisbookarama said...

Hi! Here are my answers:

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I think I can...I think I can...I think I can...

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Thanks for the fun get-to-know you!

Andi said...

That was fun! My answers are here:

Anonymous said...

Here's mine:

Anonymous said...

My introduction is at

Erin said...

Here is my link

Eva said...

Mine's up!

Samantha said...

Here's my post:

Becky said...

Here's my post

Andreea said...

Here's mine:

Wendy said...

Thanks for the challenge! Here's my link.

Vasilly said...

Anonymous said...

Here's the link to my blog with my answers. Thanks for the info here - my first read-a-thon.

Felicia J. said...

Here are my responses:

Now go read, everyone!

Somer said...

Here's my link!

PiperML said...

Posted. Thanks for the great challenge idea!

Karin Perry said...

Thanks for hosting this Mini-Challenge. Here is my link.

Anonymous said...

Here is mine! Yeah this is fun!…lenge-hour-oneread-a-thon-mini-challenge-hour-one

Jennie said...

Here I am!

Confuzzled Shannon said...


my post is here

Anonymous said...

Wow, a hotel room! That's pretty cool!
Here's my completed meme...

Amy said...

here's my link!

alisonwonderland said...

i hope you and Trish are having a fabulous time! enjoy the break from the baby - she'll be just fine when you get back. :)

i've got my Introduction Meme posted here.

Aoi Sakura said...

Just finished! Here's my meme. Hope it works! It was a fun meme to do. :)

Anonymous said...

Here is my meme

raych said...

Hey, I memed!

Pam said...

Wish I had a friend to read with, although that might end up being too distracting for me...

My post

Becca said...

I'm a slow reader too. I added a magazine to my TBR stack to make me feel more accomplished. Ha!

Here's my link:

Tammy said...

Here's my response: Here

Icedream said...

Wow, this really goes faster than I thought! LOL I have posted the first mini-challenge (intro meme) here.

Anonymous said...

Here's mine:

Bonnie Jacobs said...

You go, Darcie! Here's my mini-challenge MEME:

Anna said...

Aw, darn, I'm too late. Oh well. :)

Jenn and The Cats of Castle Coull said...

Here's Mine....

Unknown said...

I know I am late in getting here but for fun I wanted to share my intro meme