Saturday, October 22, 2011

Read-a-thon Update 4pm EST

Hour 8 I think... :)

Still reading

I have moved home and so far have changed more diapers (2) than chapters read...going to change that this hour...though my 5 year old keeps asking me to play stickers with her. :)

Page 106


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Ha! My hubby is watching over our six month old and I overheard him saying "maybe mommy should change this diaper." I ignored him. ;)

Hope you get some reading done!!

Unknown said...

It'd be hard to read if the diapers weren't changed so it makes sense!

I have read some great reviews of's an absorbing book, perfect for the readathon!

I'm so glad you participated considering you have a little one to care for which makes it tough to find reading time.

Keep up the great work & have fun!
Happy Reading!