Saturday, April 10, 2010

Read-a-thon Post #2

Well with all my best intentions of getting up at 5am and getting a couple of hours reading...failed. Mom got up at 5:30am so I only got 30 minutes of reading in today. :( My hubby and I did get the storage area cleaned out, since Mom could watch the kids so that was a big accomplishment. Hopefully I will be able to get a little reading in...if not there is always after bed! :)

Thanks for all the cheers from the cheerleaders! :)


soleil said...

a word, a sentence, a paragraph, a page. . .
continue on to that final sigh of contentment
and then do it again. :)

Kailana said...

Good luck getting some reading in later!

Florinda said...

Just stopped here to leave a cheer - "Rock on, Readathon-er!"

Hope you get some more time to hit the books later on! Happy reading :-D.

Melis said...

Good Luck with the Readathon, I hope more time opens up for you later on!

Here's a cheer for you! Well a song haha

The reading will stop
Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow
your book count will be higher
Just keep thinking about tomorrow
all the great books you will have to talk about
with your blog friends
If you get blurred or sore, or sleepy
Just stick up your chin
and grin
and say
My TO BE READ PILE, Tomorrow
will be smaller than it was before
and your spirits will soar
because then TOMORROW, TOMORROW You can go shopping TOMORROW at Amazon and BUY SOME MORE!

:D lol

Wendi said...

It's not about the number of pages that you read, the number of hours read, or books finished. It's truly about a commonly held love of books and reading and the bringing together of people from all over to celebrate that. You've done GREAT!

Stacy said...

I do hope you get some reading in. I know it can be a challenge. Best wishes:)

Cathy W said...

Here's hoping you'll have some time to read later!

Anonymous said...

You know, today just seems like that kind of day where things don't go quite as they're planned. But, never fear! The humans adapt - and excel~ XDD

And in lieu of that, who cares how many books you read? Just have fun, and it's well worth the effort. ;)

If it's any consolation, I've been up for most of the time, and I haven't gotten much read either. XP Still, I'm having fun~

So, hope we both get in some reading later, but remember: no pressure! ;)


Valerie said...

Hope you enjoyed participating in the readathon. don't worry about how much you actually got read!

Care said...